Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another Chance

I felt I needed to write about my one friend, Laura, who about a little over a year ago we had a major falling out.  We met at our last job where I was the Training Coordinator and she was training to be a technician.  We hit it off immediately and were together constantly.  We were there for each other through our ups and downs, life situations and just there for each other.  While my children were grown, hers were younger and I grew to love them as if I was her mother.  Her last daughter was born a couple of years ago and when she told me the due date was in May, I told her she better have her on my birthday.  Well, she tried and she was damn close.  Illiana was born on 6 May, where my birthday is 7 May.  She immediately told me she wanted me to be her God-Mother.  Our friendship continued to grow.  There came a time I was moved from being a Training Coordinator to Team Lead Supervisor on the floor - and she was too at the time.  During this one day, as a Team Lead we all had to take turns running the calls and to ensure everyone was on task.  We were busy with all the calls coming in and on this one particular day, I was in charge.  She came into work and I could see she wasn't taking calls.  So I sent her an IM asking her what she was doing and that we needed her to help.  She came back at me basically saying to mind my own business and if I had a problem with it to get with the boss.  Wow - that just blew me away, that she would talk to me like that and being it was unprofessional.  I can honestly say, I can be your friend away from work, I can be professional at work - and many friends have seen this.  I don't play favorites when it comes to the job.  I know some people have a hard time with this, but I seem to know how to separate the two.  Because of being hurt like this, I refused to talk to her - yes, I was professional when it came to the job, but other than that, I decided I didn't want anything to do with her.  I had also told Ann - Ann was the Human Resources Manager and my friend.  She saw how hurt I was by this and she was so affected by this that she tried to get Laura and I to talk to each other again - by making us confront each other.  We each apologized for the infractions and we continued our friendship.

There came a time when Ann left the company and offered Laura a job.  Laura took the job and then there were health issues with her father - so there came a time she had to call in stating she had to leave to go for her dad - as he was having surgery.  Somehow Ann heard through the grapevine that she didn't go - so basically they had a falling out over this.  Laura never went back because Ann told her she was fired.  At this time Ann and Laura were working for this company that was located about 100 miles from me.  Laura still lived here and Ann lived closer to her job.  From what I understand, Ann had heard from someone here about what Laura had done and Ann tried her best for me to break off my friendship with Laura.  Maybe that was a sign of what was about to happen.

I have a facebook account where I keep up with my family and friends, and Ann and Laura were on my account.  I had posted something about my son - something to show I was proud of him.  Next thing I see on the comments - there's Ann and Laura going at it on my facebook.  I was taken back by this and really pissed.  I deleted the comments and added my own - something to the affect that I was not amused by their posts as these comments should have been about my son and not their own situation.  I get a phone call from Ann, to which she apologized and I accepted.  I get a text from Laura - where she basically said Ann started it.  I sent a text back saying - that she should have been more mature and just ignored it.  I then deleted and blocked Laura.  Maybe deep down that the was the ultimate goal that Ann had.  It seemed to get her goat that Laura and I had remained friends, but I wasn't the one who had the issue with Laura.

So it had been about a year, I hadn't seen or heard from Laura and then BAM!  God seriously had to have a role in bringing us back together.  Yes, I did miss her.  See I keep my circle of friends small and I don't try to draw attention to myself.  I live in a small town - and if you know anything about small towns - everybody knows everything about everybody.  I am excluded from that because I keep my life private.  And though I like to make friends, my circle is tight.  I guess you could also say that I have a shell around me.  So last Saturday, I needed to go to WalMart, I parked, shopped came back out to my car and guess who parked next to me....  Yes, it was Laura and her kids.  My first thought was I could just blow her off or I could be cordial and see where it went from there.  I decided the cordial thing was the right thing to do and it worked out.  We decided to meet up at my house later and catch up.  Yes, we apologized and promised NEVER to let anyone come between us again.  I will have to keep this friendship from Ann but that's ok too, I will do it.  Laura and I have been through so much and for a longer time than Ann and I.  And since Ann  now lives in Florida, it shouldn't matter.

We are still catching up and we'll see where we go from here.  We have a secret phrase we use on Facebook - 121.  To us this is for each other - to remind us of the date we met and got back together after the fight.  Strange that we met on 1/21/2007 and then we rekindled our friendship on 1/21/2012.  There are reasons why people come in and out of our lives, I can see now she is meant to be here.

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